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How to make money from google Adsense (Beginner Tips)

Beginner Guide to Connect with Google AdSense. Google AdSense is the best way to passively earn money from online. This way changes your life. If you work hard you can earn hug amount money. In this post i am showing you beginner guide to started passively make money with showing Google ads.

What is Google AdSense?

AdSense is Google advertisement tools. You can make money after showing Google ads for someone clicks or double click process. Google AdSense is an ads showing tool and there are many way to showing Google advertisement. Example: YouTube, blogger, website, Google play store apps and more way. All platforms are the same process to earn money with showing Google ads. So make passively money from Google AdSense read this full article and follow the process.

4 Popular way to make money with AdSense

  1. YouTube
  2. Blogger
  3. Play Store apps
  4. website
1. Youtube:Youtube is a higher label video sharing platform around the work. Many people are make money from YouTube with showing Google ads. If you want to make money from YouTube you first create a YouTube channel. After create YouTube channel make some video on health, education or funny related video and share or upload on your YouTube channel. Then you follow YouTube advertisement policy. Fill up YouTube monetize requirement then you apply for showing ads to your video. If YouTube allow you to showing ads then you show ads on your video and earn money.

2. Blogger:Blogger is best platform to make money for beginner. Blogger is Google free hosted platform. To use this platform create a free blog or website. Where you publish any content or do blogging. Example health, education, or others related content as you like publish this blog. If you want a free website you can try blogger. After publish blog or content some days pass you can apply Google AdSense for Google ads. if Google AdSense are approve your site or blog then you show ads on your site. It is very easy for beginner. so i suggest you if you interested to want passively earn money from online you select blog platform.

3. Play Store AppsGoogle play Store is one of the biggest apps storage platform around the world. All android version apps are available in this store. This store author and maintain by Google. They are offering all apps author to publish ads on their apps to earn money. So you can create a apps and publish Google play store. Then you apply Google AdSense publisher account. If allow on your apps on Google Admove you can show ads on your apps content and make passively money from AdSense.

4. Website:Website is better way to make money with AdSense. If you have a website and have available visitor everyday you can earn passive money from AdSense. If your website is product reviews that's no problem. AdSense earning is mainly depending on content. Unique content is must needed on AdSense approval. So I suggest you to passively earn money, you can try with AdSense.

How to Create Google AdSense and setup your blog

It is very easy to create Google AdSense account. first you visit Google AdSense web portal. Then you do signup with fill up form with valid Gmail account. Then enter add your site option and add the valid url on your site. AdSense provide you a html code. You copy this code and past your them on head section. Then save them. After reviews your site by Google AdSense team you give a confirmation mail. Then you start showing Google ads on your site.

How to optimize your blog site

For Google AdSense approval you do must optimize your blog site. There are many way to optimize blog site. Here is some example: optimize your blog them on properly format with fast loading, created page about us, contact us, privacy policy, terms and condition and DMCA. Also you optimize your blog post image. Blog template are must be need mobile friendly and must be needed high quality and unique content.


In this post, I’ve show you beginner guide to start Google AdSense. Many people ask me how to start on Google AdSense and my answer I already explain this article to connect Adsense very easy way.

If you want start AdSense first you run any YouTube channel, blog, publish apps or run any website. Then publish some unique content and generate unique traffic. Then you create an AdSense account and apply for AdSense on your YouTube channel, play store apps, blog or own website for monetize. After review confirm from Google Adsense you connect AdSense Advertisements. If any question please right the comment box and send us. We will reply you very soon as soon as possible. Thanks.


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