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500 SMS for Rs 5

Robi is a SIM company providing mobile services in Bangladesh. Robi SIM has a new package of 500 SMS for 5 taka. Also many new offers are running on Robi SIM. Akje will show you how to buy and use large packages of SMS on Robi SIM for a small amount of money. You can also buy various internet packages and check the remaining minute pack and internet balance of the minute offer.

500 SMS for Rs 5

Robi currently has an offer to buy 500 SMS for Rs.5. You can easily take the offer if you want. There are two ways you can purchase the offer. One of which can be bought using dial code. Again, if you have used Robi's apps, you can also buy using the apps. This offer is valid for 30 days.If you want to buy the offer through the dial code, then first you go to the dial code option of the mobile and type *123*2*7*1# after dialing this code, the offer will be activated on your mobile phone. But before dialing the yes code you must have a minimum balance of 5 taka on your mobile phone.
Now if you want to buy the offer using Robi Apps then first open Robi Apps from your mobile phone. Then select the Offers tab. Now go to SSS tab. Then scroll down a bit and see the offer of 500 SMS for Rs 5. Buy now without delay.

Rules for checking Robi SMS

Dial *123*2*7*1# to buy 500 SMS for Rs 5 on Saturdays and keep the balance above Rs 5 minimum. If you continue to use the SMS pack after purchasing it, you will realize how many more SMS you have had. To view the remaining SMS you need to dial *222*12# then a return SMS will show you your remaining SMS number.

Sunday 40 minutes offer for 10 taka

40 minutes for 10 taka on sunday also 24 hours period. A little is not enough. Yes, but it is being given for 40 minutes and 24 hours at 10 taka on Sundays. Dial *866*02# to buy the 40 minute pack for Tk 10 and your offer will be activated.


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